Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hey everyone, does anyone out there own an airplane, or just really likes aviation?

I love flying in our Cessna 180, although I haven't flown in it since last summer when a part of the propeller got dented during a grass landing. 

I've also flown in a powered parachute that my uncle owns. 

Also, one of my MOST FAVORITE places to go is EAA Airventure in Oshkosh Wisconsin! It is know as "The Worlds Greatest Aviation Celebration!" I love going there and it is very fun and exciting to be there!!! 

If you have had any awesome adventures in an airplane please share your story with me!!! I would love to hear it! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Random Pets!!!

Hello!!! Have you ever owned a RANDOM PET???

If you have, please leave a comment of what kind of pet it is AND TAKE A LOOK AT MY MESSAGE TITLED RANDOM PETS

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Contests are comming!!!

Are you ready to get creative?~!

Well I am going to have a CONTEST!
All that you have to do is make 3 awesome and creative smiley faces , or ANY KIND OF FACES that you can think of and put them in as a comment. Then I will look at them and choose 3 winners. You might even see your faces put on my post!
So Good luck and get creative!

Helpful tips to have fun with homework!

Do you ever get boared with your homework, or you work on it for so long that you can't even think straight anymore!!!

Well that happens to me A LOT!

So I've been thinking of ways to make doing homework more fun. And here they are...

If you get board, you could:
  • You could have music in the background. As long as it doesn't distract you

  • If you have a lot of homework, in different subjects, and you get board with one of them, just skip it, go to the next one, and come back to it later.

If you can't think straight anymore, it just means that you need a brain break. So, all that you have to do is take a short break. Some things that you could do are:

  • Get up and stretch
  • Listen to music and dance around to get you blood flowing in your body.

If you have anymore ideas, please leave a comment and I will add it to my post.